Illegal Israeli colonizers, on Saturday, attacked three shepherds near Hebron in the southern West Bank, before soldiers abducted them, and stormed homes in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli colonizers attacked, on Saturday morning, three Palestinian shepherds in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the southern West Bank, before occupation forces abducted the victims.

According to Rateb Jabour, the Coordinator of the National and Popular Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements, Israeli soldiers abducted three shepherds in the “Shoumra” area in the Yatta desert.

Jabour added that the colonizers chased and assaulted the three men, identified as Abdullah Hassan Basita, Ali Abdullah Taimat, and Muhammad Ali Taimat, before soldiers abducted them.

Later it was reported that illegal Israeli colonizers damaged water pumps used for agricultural purposes belonging to Palestinians, in the village of Khirbet al-Deirin the northern Jordan Valley.

According to Aref Daraghma, a local human rights defender in the Northern Plains, said that colonists caused damage to the water pumps belonging to the farmer, Mohammad Hosni Sawafta.

In the afternoon, several Israeli colonizers stormed at least four Palestinian-owned home in the Arab Al-Mleihat community, northwest of the city of Jericho in the northern Jordan Valley.

According to Hassan Mleihat, the general supervisor of the “Al-Baidar” organization for defending the rights of Bedouins, said that many colonists invaded the community, while storming and searching at least four homes belonging to the Mleihat family.

Moreover, a group of colonizers attacked, on Saturday evening, Palestinian citizens in various of the northern Jordan Valley.

According to Aref Daraghma, a human rights defender in Northern Plains, Israeli settlers attacked the vehicle of the citizen, Ahmad Hassan Daraghma, while he was in the “Umm Al-Qaba” Plain.

Settlers attacked the Arab Al-Mleihat community for the second time on Saturday evening, hurling rocks at the home of the citizen, Jamal Suleiman Mleihat, according to Hassan Mleihat.

In related news, the occupation authorities ordered, on Friday, the Qaraeen family to demolish three commercial shops in Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in occupied Jerusalem.

The shop owner, Yassin Qaraeen, stated that the Israeli occupation municipality forced him to demolish his three shops under the pretext of not having a license.

Qaraeen added that the his family began demolishing the three shops, which have been present in the area for 30 years, in order to avoid paying a fine to the municipality.